Sunday, August 26, 2007

Silver Seven Juniors from Summer 2006 and few research ideas.

This is Silver Seven from 1 year ago June 2006, just before the move up. For your home work few ideas at fire sell prices: Mines Management MGN financing closed, repermitting the mine in Montana; Avino Gold and Silver Mines ASM.v new high grade drilling results; Continium Resources CNU.v continuing progress with Fortuna mines and its own drilling programme in Mexico; Silverstone Resources SST.v new Silver Wheaton SLW in the making, after financing, below Lundin Mining deal price limit; Sterling Mines SRLM.ob financing closed, obtaining Canada listing and on the road to production this year; Minera Andes MAI.v close to production with new discovery in Los Azules in the making; Copper Fox Metals CUU.v below financing, funds available to make FS; Baja Mining close to production Copper Mexico story; Mantle Resources MTS.v, Sunridge Gold SGC.v, Sanu Resources SNU.v Lundin Mining strategic investments, all three below recent financing; Rainy River RR.v recent discovery, below financing. Before wasting your time (and money) consider for yourself:
1. Is it end of the world?
2. Subprime crises is building confidence in US based paper assets?
3. China needs its 1.3 trillion in USD to pave the new roads and to fire power plants?
If your answer Yes to at least one of the above, sorry for your time.

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